Stefane Fivaz - Portfolio

Hi, I'm Stefane Fivaz 👋

A versatile software engineer with a Bachelor of Science in Business IT and more than 7 years of experience with development, proficient in front-end and back-end technologies, with a sharp focus on user experience and a commitment to producing clean, maintainable code.

Tech Stack

tech stack tech stack tech stack tech stack


Tool for Jira

Scrum Flow

tech stack

Web application designed to enhance Scrum project management within Jira.

scrum flow screen
  • No Setup. Seamlessly integrated with Jira Software through Atlassian OAuth, automatically handling data analysis without requiring additional setup or manual data migration.
  • Visual analysis. Features graphical representations illustrating the evolution of estimation maturity for the Scrum Team, aiding in visualizing team progress over time.
  • Accuracy estimation. Provides insightful information on the accuracy of task estimates, proving particularly valuable during Sprint Retrospectives for assessing the efficacy of completed sprints. This facilitates informed decision-making and enhances planning within the Scrum framework.
  • Sprint Prediction. Includes a predictive module employing Machine Learning and Data Analysis to forecast the time required for upcoming tasks in a Sprint. This innovative feature contributes to proactive planning and resource management.

Interested in trying it out?

Explore the detailed documentation (in French) and try out the live demo

Day Planner


A sophisticated, fully responsive, offline-first web application for day planning

Life is an elegant web app boasting a visually stunning calendar design. With its intuitive interface and seamless navigation, users effortlessly manage their schedules and tasks to reach goals faster.

Developed with Svelte, showcasing proficiency with small framework ecosystems, it underscores my prowess in frontend development. Furthermore, it demonstrates adeptness in user interface design and integration of cloud services, reflecting a holistic skill set in crafting engaging digital experiences.

screen of the app desktop
screen of the app mobile
phone frame

Some of the features

  • Highly Interactive

    A user-friendly interface with resizable and drag-and-dropable events.

  • Progressive Web App (PWA)

    Ensures offline-first data access and updates, guaranteeing uninterrupted functionality.

  • Goal Management

    Empowers users to set and track goals and associate events or tasks to them.

  • Task and Event Flexibility

    Enables seamless conversion between tasks (To-Do List) and events (Calendar), offering a dynamic and adaptable planning experience.

  • Recurring Events

    Supports the scheduling of recurring events.

  • Got interested?

    Explore the live demo and delve into the codebase on GitHub.
